Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Avoid Contact With Eyes

Questions about how to meet women are pretty commonplace. Even more so are badly worded questions about how to meet women, since people who cannot string words together into a sentence are clearly going to have trouble starting a conversation.
Questions about meeting specific kinds of women are a little rarer, but there is no reason to expect them to be any better worded, since fetishes are generally acquired way before language skills.
But enough about the superficial vessel of words containing the precious essence of Tony B's unrequited passion. Let's help.

Q: "How is the best way to meet women with long nails?"
A: This is how:

  1. Approach cautiously - sudden or jerky movements may result in loss of an eye.
  2. Speak calmly - agitated or nervous tone of voice may result in loss of an eye.
  3. While in close proximity and still in possession of both your eyes, feast them on the nails in question. Don't just stand there packing wood - concentrate:
  • Are they polished and beautifully shaped? - You may want to compliment her on them.
  • Are they yellow and talon-like? - Begin looking for the nearest exit. Do not enter the gingerbread house.
  • Are they metallic and very sharp-looking? - Look up at her face. Does it resemble Johnny Depp's circa 1990? Begin looking for the nearest exit or ask for a haircut.
Good luck.

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