Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Signs of Ridiculousness Deficiency in the Body of Knulledge

I'm starting to wonder why is it that Yahoo! Answers seems to be the only place providing fodder for this blog lately? If this keeps up, I'll have to rename this "Encyclopedia Supplement to Y!A" which is not very catchy. The rest of the knulledge-sharing communities seem to have gone on a reduced-ridiculousness diet. Check this out:

FAQ Farm
The only question here that truly arouses curiosity is "What the the hell is this site's demographic?" It's flooded with only 2 kinds of questions: car-related ("How do you change the belts on a 1999 Corvette?") or preganancy-related (my favorite is "Can you get pregnant if there is cum near your Virgina?" - not even gonna bother.) The former are useless to me because the only car-related question that I'm qualified to answer is "What colour is this car?", and the latter can all be answered with this video.

Despite being a recent and blatant clone of (which is entirely pink - 'nuff said), it's actually kinda good. At rhetoric questions. "If a turtle doesn't have a shell is he homeless or naked?" Real clever, kids, now go outside and play. Watch out for that tree falling in the forest.

Ask MetaFilter
I don't know what they're thinking, but there's actual information here. And those posting questions can spell. And those posting answers are knowledgeable. It's like the knulledge seeker's nightmare. The hideous green-and-mustard colour scheme must be retard-repellant. Nice work. *Sigh*

Can't you people send me some ridiculous questions? These freaky Yahoo! avatars are starting to haunt my dreams.

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