Saturday, December 09, 2006

Angry Saturday Blitz-Trifecta

Q: "What is the difference between They're, There and Their?"
A: There are people who could answer your question, but they're currently busy posting in their blogs about poor illeterate sods like you.

Q: "Should internet usage be restricted to persons of at least twenty-one years of age and above only?"
A: Should education be restricted only to people who can read and write?
Should running priviliges be restricted only to professional athletes?
Should the right to free speech be restricted only to pompous jackasses like you?

Q:A: The guy you like john will not be your boyfriend anytime soon or ever if you don't QUIT YOUR NAGGIN', WOMAN! Do you ask everything three times?

"How are you? How's it going, John? How are you today?"
"Um, fine, thanks"
"You want to get some coffee? Want to go have some coffee, John? Want to come for coffee with me?"
"Um, no, thanks. I'd rather drive a rusty fork through my eye into my brain and stir clockwise."

Does this happen a lot with the guy you like john?

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